Information zu Cookie

What are cookies?

This Cookie Policy contains important information on the different types of cookies (small text files) that could be installed on your device (e.g. PC, smartphone, tablet) when you visit this site.
A "cookie" is a small text file created on the users’ PC the moment they enter a certain site, with the aim of storing and transferring information. The cookies are sent by a web server (which is the computer on which the web site visited is working) to the user’s browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) and is memorised by the latter’s computer; they are thus resent to the web site at the next visits.

According to the (EU) Regulation 2016/679 in matters of personal data protection, the cookies constitute personal data when they can be associated to a device, and therefore, to an identifiable person.

Types of cookies

There are different types of cookies that contain different information and carry out different functions (e.g. execution of IT authentication, monitoring of sessions, memorisation of preferences for the sending of targeted advertising messages, etc.). Every cookie, in turn, contains different data (e.g. the name of the service of origin, a numeric identifier, etc.). Such data may remain in the user’s device for various periods of time - a browser session, some hours, or various days or for longer periods.

Technical cookies

Cookies that serve to perform the surfing or furnish a service requested by the user. They are not used for further purposes.
The technical cookies are necessary for the correct functioning of the site. Without turning to such cookies, some operations could not be performed or would be more complex and/or less secure. However technical cookies are indispensable.
Technical cookies do not require the user’s consent, since they are necessary for the correct functioning of the site.

Third-party analytical cookies used as technical cookies

The analytical cookies of third parties may be assimilated to technical cookies only if used for the purpose of optimisation of the site of the Data Controller itself, to collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and on how these visit the site.
When they are used as technical cookies and when anonymisation measures are adopted as prescribed by the Authority, the analytical cookies are necessary to allow the Data Controller of the site to improve the functioning of the same and the experience of the user on the site.
The user’s consent is not needed, since we activated the anonymisation function of the IP address and use the data in aggregate form.

Profiling cookies

These are cookies used to trace the surfing of the users in the network and create profiles on their tastes, habits, choices, etc. With these cookies they may be transmitted to the users’ terminals advertising messages with the preferences manifested by the users in their online surfing.
Profiling cookies are not strictly necessary for the good functioning of the site, and however, the user may decide whether or not to install such cookies.
To install profiling cookies, the user’s consent is necessary, and may be manifested or revoked by the user.

What cookies are used?
This site uses:

  1. Technical session and surfing cookies: Cookies of this type are needed for the correct functioning of the site and for the use of services it contains. When absent, the site or some portions could not function correctly. However, they are always used, regardless of the user’s preferences. This type of cookies is always sent from our domain. The users have the faculty to remove these cookies through the functions of their browsers, as indicated hereunder.

  2. Analytical cookies also of third parties: Cookies of this type are used to gather information on the use of the site, like for example, which are the pages visited with greater frequency. These cookies do not memorise identification data of the single users but only aggregated data in anonymous form. This type of cookie is used by Google Analytics. In this last case, for any information on the cookies, kindly see the privacy policy of Google:
    The cookies of Google Analytics may change name, increase or diminish in number at any moment and without prior notice.

If you do not want your data to be used by Google Analytics, you can install the additional component of the browser according to the methods described by Google at the following addresses:

The installation of this additional component blocks the JavaScript code of Google Analytics (ga.js, analytics.js and dc.js), in execution on a web site, preventing the sharing of the information with Google Analytics concerning your activities upon visiting our site.

Moreover, you can deactivate the cookies also by intervening on the settings of the browser used. But remember that disabling the cookies may cause the malfunctioning of the site or could make the functionalities unavailable. Every browser has different procedures for the management of the settings.
Hereunder are the connections for instructions for the more common browsers:

Social network buttons and widgets

The social buttons are the “buttons” present on the site which portray the social network icons (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter) and which allow you to interact with a “click” directly with the social platforms. The social buttons present on this site are links that resend to our accounts portrayed on the social network. For the use of such buttons however, there are no third-party cookies installed.
Here are the links where the user may view the privacy information relating to the management of data by the Social network to which the buttons refer: